10 January 2008

THE ATTACK ON BLACK HISTORY MONTH. Yes, I know it isn't until February, but this is on my mind today! Some people believe that in order to end racism, we have to stop underscoring our differences. I recently read a quote from Morgan Freeman who publicaly denounces Black History month during an interview on 60 Minutes. "I don't want a black history month. Black history is American history." He said the only way to end racism is to stop talking about it, and he noted that there is no "white history month." In accordance with Morgan's quote, indeed there's been an onslaught of critics (most of them non-Black) who believe that observing Black History month is no longer necessary. That it's outlived it's need. I do believe that we've made major strides in the right direction in terms of racial awareness in this country - certainly since Black History Week's inception. But I just don't see the point in taking away something that is very positive, prideful and interesting! If there are some who don't want to acknowledge it then don't. You do have a choice. Just like the people who work on Martin Luther King Day even though it's a government holiday. There's no mandate that all citizens must wear dashikis and sing Negro Spirituals twice a day. Do the slave documentaries that get regular spin on PBS annoy people that much? Maybe it's the McDonald's commercials with the choirs humming behind the narration. I don't know. I asked my husband if he thought the United States should still observe Black History Month and his answer was quite simple, "Yes, because everyone else has a month" i.e. Hispanic Heritage Month (June) and Asian Heritage Month (September). Although those were probably incepted because of the existence of BHM. Should we discard all of these special observances? For who, and for what? What annoys me the most in all of this is that American schools are still so poorly educated about Black History. Morgan is correct, it is American History - but it's a part of American History that is often swept under the rug in many school districts (mainly non-black ones, which means most). It's astonishing how kids (even Black kids) don't know much about slavery, reconstruction or Jim Crow. That is so, so very dangerous! There kids are growing up and joining the working world. Actually, they have grown up and joined the working world - they are managers, lawyers and yes, teachers now! When I was producing as the Discovery Channel (yes, the Discovery Channel) there were writers who didn't know much about the Black experience in this country. In fact I was in a conversation with mulitple co-workers about ancestry and they wondered why I couldn't tell them where exactly my ancestors came from. This is Slavery 101 people. The Irish guy in my department (like, actually born and raised in Dublin) had to break it down to them for me. I tried to elaborate myself, but they just couldn't grasp. "Surely you know what country your people came from, I'm German". I can't take on the task of teaching African American Diapsora for 6 clueless white Americans. This is why we need Black History Month. And not just for non-blacks, but for everyone. I went to Howard with Black kids who knew nothing of Sojourner Truth and Nat Turner being educated in their various school districs across the country. My own husband who grew up in the nation's capital says slavery was summed up in 1 paragraph in his 9th grade history book. That's all he got. This is not a game people!


VertigoVirgo said...

I agree with you Boo, this is an epidemic. My Father is one who believes in the "stop everything black" movement. Adn I guess only those who came from the time period where there was segregation can have that attitude and be justified in it, but it still leaves the younger generations on the outside of the truth, because you are right, we are NOT getting it. Honestly, I went to all white schools coming up and got more education on black history than your husband did, but it was all directed at me because I was the ONLY black person in half of my classes, so I got the pitiful and sorrowful looks from everyone...it was craziness...anyway, I was talking about something close to this with M and Fai the other night coming home from an AKA first Fridays party our mutual friend hosted the other night...I'm gonna have to blog about this today. I will be very sure to link back to you.

Love you with all my heart,


Tamara - said...

Not only do we need Black history month, but we need to start telling the damn truth. That's what's wrong with these young Blacks now. They have no idea what we fought for and even the Black kids think the civil rights movement was like 300 years ago. The whites don't seem to understand why we haven't caught up with them because they seem to think our grandparents had the same opportunities and choices theirs did. We make Black history seem like ancient history and we aren't teaching our kids that they're about 2 generations from the back of the bus themselves.

Not to mention the effect slavery, segregation, and racism had on the present state of todays blacks. That's a huge part of what we're missing. And damn near every Black persons' grandparents came from where? The south. But since we aren't teaching our history right...no one is getting it! That underground railroad thing...was real! Blacks leaving the south so they could find jobs...real! Blacks moving into the projects because they couldn't afford to move anywhere else, or weren't allowed to...real! Or could it be that "the projects" was just another 'cage.'

The Jews NEVER let their children forget where they came from. They have holocaust week and you better believe they are real serious about it.

White History Month? Please! We need to start teaching Black "Present." Lets talk about the racist shyt that goes on today. Lets teach the kids about that.

OK...My comment is damn near longer than the post so let me wrap this up. This country was built by Blacks and we DO NOT get the credit we deserve. We have contributed so much to the development of the US and they stole our credit like they steal every thing else. We need Black History month to acknowledge our ancestors.