27 January 2008

OBAMA for 2008. Check It officially endorses Illinois Senator Barack Obama for the Democratic Presidential Nomination. Never before has the Presidential race been so exciting! Well, aside from the obvious - an African-American AND a woman are running for President, but also this is the first time in almost 50 years that neither an incumbent President or Vice President is in contention. What do I like about Obama? My biggest concerns are domestic issues - particularly education and healthcare. Obama's record as a state Senator shows that he was the biggest supporter and an actual trailblazer for early childhood education. He helped create the Early Childhood Council in the state of Illinios. He also plans to double the budget for afterschool programs (which is key because too many of our youth get into trouble afterschool!) His civil rights and urban community organization experience is evident in the causes he supports. I think we can rest assured that he's going to champion causes that directly effect African-Americans. But it doesn't end there. His healthcare plan outlines coverage for every American regardless of income. If you already have healthcare, this will mean less expensive premiums. If not, not only will you be covered, but you won't be turned away due to a pre-existing condition or a chronic illness. I know that the other canidates promise similar legistlation, but I especially like that Obama focuses on preventitive programs which are key since we're faced with completely avoidable epidemics such as obesity and various STD's. For more about Sen. Obama's plans, voting record and bio, click here. So far he's won the Iowa caucas and he just totally blew the competition away in the South Carolina primaries. Here's wishing him the best in these last campaign days before Super Tuesday!!


VertigoVirgo said...


Chikee said...

Oh really? Dare I ask for who?! I'm scared. j/k, glad you got out and di d your civic duty. Kudos mamacita.