01 March 2008

FEBRUARY HOT PIECE OF THE MONTH Hold on to your Fish n' Chips - this month's hotness is Prince Harry of Britain. I've surprised myself this choice, I've never been one to care much about the British royal family, but I can't deny that Harry's bad-assness is slightly intriguing. He's also riding a new wave of popularity now that The Drudge Report has exposed that Prince Harry has secretly been fighting in Afghanistan for the past few months. Some privileged youth scant to Ibiza to blow their fortune and exploit their "fame", others deploy to the desert to fight on the front lines for their country. That's sort of impressive, right?


VertigoVirgo said...

HELLO!!!! ALWAYS thought Harry was WAAAYYY hotter than William!!!!

Anonymous said...

Harry is only just now starting to look better than William. When they were younger William was way hotter than Harry! :) William is starting to look way too much like his dad!