14 March 2006

Pimps everywhere Rejoice! By: D. Pitt http://the-pitt.blogspot.com Three 6 Mafia wins the Oscar for Best Song. Times are changing. In a shocker, the rap group pulled off one of the greatest upsets in Oscar history with the song “It’s Hard Out Here For a Pimp” from the movie Hustle & Flow. Having actually seen the movie, I think they deserved the Oscar. Many were outraged including the usual suspects on the right….and some on the left such as Al Sharpton who is increasingly moving some of his rhetoric to the center (2008 run anyone??). I think that many of the outraged people did not see the film. If they did, they would know that the song fit this movie just as much as “Eye of the Tiger” fit Rocky. By the way, I have never understood why Music (particularly Hip-Hop) is so dangerous to our youth, but these violent, sex-filled, curse word laden movies and tv shows are not. Sopranos, Desperate House Wives, Godfather, ect, ect.....Why are these movies/TV shows praised, while a hip-hop song about the same thing is vilified? For that matter, why was this song villified, but the movie that it was about was not? Personnally, I enjoyed the movie and the song as I enjoy Sopranos, Scarface, Godfather, and yes even Desperate House Wives (you know you watch it too fellas...). I really don't think this hatred of hip-hop is a racial thing but more of a generational/cultural thing. People hate what they don't understand. But let look at it this way, Al Pacino and Robert De Niro have played more thugs, murderers, womanizers than anyone, but noone would ever say they were what they portray. Why do you think rappers make such good ACTORS (Queen Latifah, Will Smith, Mos Def, LL Cool J, Eve, Ludacris, Ice Cube, Ice T, Snoop Dogg...ok maybe not Snoop, but you get the point). Maybe because it takes a bit of acting to pull their job off, just as it does for our honorable members of SAG. So let's just get a grip and remember its all business.......SHOWBUSINESS. posted by JDDCP at 12:15 PM

1 comment:

VertigoVirgo said...

My darling KeeBoo (you know who this is) "I" after reading your "blog's" truly believe that, if you ddon't hop on it now, you will miss your calling. Your writing is superb, insightful, thought provoking, funny, and most of all attainable...probably because..it's real life. If nothing else, print out your blog's (am I spelling this right) and save them in a REAL diary, and one day when you feel you have enough, have them typed chronicled and published, and name it something deep like "Paralells of a Computer Nation : The flow of thoughts and story's from a mindspring"...ok, well shorten it, or something ...you know
"My thoughts" WHO KNOWS...but just do it...or think about it anyway. And from you I have been insprired to TRY and hold a little online journaling season (the operative word is TRY...I've never been good at keeping a diary...I'm to random) my first installment...a lament for human privacy...