14 March 2006

RANT: Ettiquette - By: Gizzle Ever hold the door for someone fairly far away from you? Have you noticed that they'll immeadiately change their pace, lose all composure and do the 50 yard dash to the door? What is that about? I mean from what I understand holding the door for someone is a courtesy to them. So, if someone is holding the door for 7-10 seconds while you continue to stroll into work are you obligated to hustle? Frankly, I really don't care whether or not one holds the door for me as long as they don't let it hit me in the face - I'm good. I'm certainly not going to spill my hot chocolate all over my hands and drop my bagel while I sprint to save you the excruciating pain of holding the door for another 3 seconds. Where is everybody in a rush to get to...work? Please... 7:09 AM

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