22 September 2007

Yes it's been a minute since I posted here (actually about a year and a half). Now that I actually have the time to devote to it, I do plan to post regularly. Honest! Since the last post, which I believe was March '06, I've gotten engaged, pregnant, married and unemployed. In that order. My daugther Laila was born this past July ('07) and I'm head over heels for her, and I wanted nothing to keep me from her so I left my gig at Discovery Channel to be a full time mom and a freelance writer/producer. Some of my posts will be short because I steal away to post while she's asleep and she doesn't sleep long by herself. She's like, a level 9 clinger so often times I'm typing with one hand. Advance apologies for the typos! There are so many things to discuss, like: the presidential candidates, wack ass Congress and the unbelievably inept White House, dog fighting in America, and even Britney Spears (yes, hit my baby one more time!) I don't get to the movies much anymore - they don't really smile on bringing infants into movie theaters, nor do they make for the best movie going experience. Believe me, I tried. So you guys are going to have to tell me about the new releases. I'll give you my thoughts on what's hot at Hollywood video. Ok, that' enough for now. Over & out!

1 comment:

VertigoVirgo said...

I'm glad you're back Chickee! I'm going to put you on my blog roll, so you better be postin' when the baby sleeps! She's so precious though I don't know how you just don't sit and stare at her all day.
