05 February 2008

SOCRATES, CONFUCIUS, DIDDY... A CONTRIBUTING THOUGHT FROM MY COUSIN, MIA-LEN: Did you happen to catch Making the Band 4 last night? You may not be aware, but I am in love with Diddy. And here's why: first of all, I had a lot of good years during Bad Boys' golden age. Something about his artists and producers during that time - -I really vibed with it. I believe he and I have a similar point of view -- musically speaking. That's number one. Plus, say whatever you want about his skills as an artist -- not exactly his forte -- but one thing is certain -- that man works very hard. He's a hustler, and I can appreciate that about him. And he usually has something very motivational to say during his little interview rants. Like last season, he would always say "when you're sleeping, just remember there's always someone else up working, plotting to take your spot." Damn, that's so true. So anyway, last night the sage wisdom of Diddy actually led me to quite the epiphany. Diddy declared: "You know, BITCHASSEDNESS has been a real problem in our community. We can't have no bitchassedness here. There will be no bitchassedness at Bad Boy." What a statement. I mean really, can't we attribute so many of our peoples' issue to this phenomenon? Seriously, why do we continue to vote the same people into office for consecutive terms of rising crime (though contained in the areas inside the beltway) and failing schools? Why are there so many beautiful, brilliant, yet single Black women? If Obama loses, what will be the likely cause? Did you answer bitchassedness to all of the above? I did. Therein lies my life's mission. To shut down bitchassedness everywhere I go. This has been your motivational thought for the day. Carry on!

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