09 March 2006

Hey everyone, welcome to my blog! If you know me, you know that I'm way too opinionated to not have one of these. So here it is. I can't promise that I'll update this on a daily basis, but I will do my best to check in, and hopefully chime into heated discussions that i hope will occupy these pages. That's about it for now, I assure you I'll be back with a random thought shortly. Stay tuned! kee


Chikee said...

"My fellow Americans, we are in the most troublestic times...those evil-doers over in the axis of evil are just plain evil....evil things i say! Which is why I think this is the perfect time to contract the government of Dubai to manage out oil ports."

Chikee said...

On American Idol, does anyone else find the awkward pause between Simon's negative critique and the theme music to be hysterical?

"You have absolutely NO talent, your style is ghastly and on top of that you're morbidly obese!"


..and CUE THEME MUSIC- "daaaada, ba badadadaaa"

And then, Ryan Seacrest (all smiles) chimes in, always upbeat while the contestant lurks about completely deflated.

And don't you just LOVE in the final rounds, the moment after a contestant has been eliminated - they shove a mic in their hands and force them to sing one for the road.

This show is so over-the-top in every way, you just can't look away.

Chikee said...

I have to say, I am one of those people to rush for the door if someone is opening it for me. I guess it's a non-verbal agreement between the person extending the courtesy and the person receiving it - that "The least you can do is be swift since I'm trying to be nice here."