17 February 2008

BARACKIN' THE VOTE IN MARYLAND. So I joined Barack Obama's campaign. Before the Chesapeake primaries last Tuesday, my local Obama '08 organization met up to distribute campaign information, knock on doors etc. Can I just say, his campaign is extremely organized. I signed up as a volunteer at 10pm one evening and at 10am the next morning, I received a call from a local organizer. His website is thorough too - a member of his campaign can pick a state, and resident listings are available to call to spread the message of change. I'm calling my home state of Ohio, which is holding its primaries on March 4th. Polls are showing Hillary leading by 21% in Ohio, and it's one of the largest states of the union (I think they've got 15o delegates or so). I'm extremely impressed by the succinct efficiency of his campaign, it's money management and it's over all strategies. It's also important to note that he's done all of this my taking small donations by regular people like us (I mean, for the most part. We all know he as Oprah and Spielberg backing him - which doesn't hurt!) and he refuses to take money from lobbyists and special interest groups. That way he doesn't owe them anything. Who wants another puppet president? Not me!! This is a grassroots movement like never before. I look at this campaign as a microcosm of what his presidential administration would be like. Stellar! He obviously surrounds himself with the right people, which is a skill in and of itself. Hillary (whom I respect) is actually losing senior campaign advisors and running out of money. I do like her, but that's not the kind of organization I'd like to see in the white house. Anyway, I attended Senator Obama's rally in College Park, MD last week. That day, I drove my husband to work (45 minutes in the opposite direction) then schleped my 6 month old with me to the University of Maryland's Comcast Center (where the rally was held) but not before sitting in traffic for an hour, then looking for a parking space for another 40 minutes - all in 15 degree weather. But hey, I was a woman on a mission. The arena was packed, and you could feel the energy in the air. I was moved, Laila was stoked, and everyone was super excited. People were even crying. And I completely understand that, it's really is quite a phenomenon. I never thought in my lifetime we could actually have an African-American presidential nominee. With Laila bouncing on my lap, taking in all of the excitement of the rally, I thought to myself wow - my daughter's first president of memory could someone the same color as her. Amazing. My husband who is a fan of the TV series, The Wire, would have been glad to see Big G (who plays Slim Charles on the show, and DC heads will know he's also the lead vocalist of the super-popular go-go group, the Backyard Band) endorsing Senator Obama. He was one of many who took the stage to vocalize their support. Once the Senator came out the place erupted. People of all walks of life were in attendance; college students, olders folks, kids, blacks, whites, Hispanics sporting signs "Si Se Puente" which means 'Yes we Can!' the current campaign slogan. There were even republicans, or as they are also known "Obamacans". It's clear that people are truly embracing this message of change, and loving the idea of unification. Senator Obama is the candidate that brings people together - something so badly needed after such a polarizing administration! He tailored his message to address the majority of this crowd which were University of MD students. One point of interest: as tuition rates are at an all time high, he promises that when he's president, he will extend $4,000 towards tuition for every college student, every year. But the students must give back by volunteering, community organizing, joining the peace corp - whatever they can do to give back to their country as their country has given to them, and by doing so, together we can move forward. Ok, don't get me to quoting. It was something like that but of course much more oratorically stunning. Above is a picture from my seat. He's filling arenas this size daily. The momentum is undeniable. He swept DC, MD and VA (and got 55% of this white male vote in VA no less. Holy cow!!) This is major! Get on board people, join the movement! www.barackobama.com

1 comment:

VertigoVirgo said...

Si Se Puede...Yes You Can!!!